Most businesses do not realize that they have tons of extra space within their offices that is being underutilized from an advertising perspective. The floor is one spot with huge advertising potential that most people don’t take advantage of. Whether you own a pet supply store, gym, garage, or even a large office building floor graphics from Sign City Detroit can add color, creativity and personality to your business.
Ground-level advertising can be an attention grabbing asset but it is nothing new. Think of professional basketball courts with team logos. Teams know that their fans are constantly looking at the floor so they prominently display advertisements, logos, and even twitter hashtags there. Even if your product isn’t set on the floor, you can still benefit from floor graphics. We all look down when we walk, sit, and stand. Since most floors are very plain, any irregular design or graphic will catch your customer’s eye.
Like with all advertising, it is important to understand your target audience and develop a clear strategy with a goal in mind when using floor graphics. It is also crucial that you make sure your floor graphics are made out of durable material that is capable of standing up to lots of foot traffic and a the ever-changing Detroit, Michigan weather if your graphic is outside.
Sign City Detroit has worked with hundreds of Detroit, Michigan businesses to create hazard signs, logos, eye catching creative pieces and other floor graphics. We can print in any size and on a wide variety of materials. If you would like to learn more about how our commercial printing experts can help you, call us today at 1 (734) 744-6400.